Our Impact 2020/2021

Our 2020/21 Annual Review details the first year of our new strategic plan in action, as we aim to drive social mobility through a clear focus on supporting excluded young people into Education, Employment or Training to enable them to have the same life chances as their non-excluded peers.

The seismic impact of the Covid-19 crisis reinforced the urgent need for our work with the shutting of schools and cancellation of exams, however it also left us with a serious reduction in Trust & Foundation funding. Covid restrictions also had a significant impact on our ability to deliver large scale events. 2020–2021 has been a challenging year but with this challenge has come great opportunity. As a squad we are beginning to recover and rebuild; our structure is now streamlined and purposeful, and our delivery is relevant and responsive. We have redefined our way of working to respond to the current climate and have developed a purpose and vision which hold true to the nature of our work.  

Our numbers tell the story

  • 97% of our young people were in Education, Employment or Training in 20/21. 

  • 93% of our young people have had increased progress in core subjects through participation in our sessions. 

  • 82% improvement in school attendance was recorded. 

  • 87% of our young people observed a reduction in all forms of exclusion. 

  • 95% of young people surveyed felt they showed improvements in being able to stay positive in tough situations, a key skill which employers value.  

A Trustee at the East Head Impact Foundation said “What impressed me above everything else was the incredible way in which you interacted with your young people and the wonderful relationship you so clearly have built up with them - you have an extraordinary ability to show care, kindness, understanding and patience, and have a strong belief in what you are trying to achieve.”

Real-life impact 

Behind the outstanding impact figures from 20/21 lie great stories. In the review, we share the experiences of some of our young people. Hearing them go on to talk about the positive difference our work has made to their lives, trajectories, and often self-esteem, reveals the multifaceted value our work holds.  

You can see all the highlights from the academic year, and discover some of the stories of our young people in full in the report...  

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School Sports Week ‘22


Special Announcement from our Trustees