We are extremely proud of our work to support disadvantaged young people and we want to maintain our role as being trusted and credible support whenever they need us, for the rest of their lives. Not only that, we also want to be trusted and credible to our partners and supporters too.
We comply with the Sport England Code for Sport England tier 3 requirements. You can view some of our policies and procedures below.
Board of Trustees
Our Board of Trustees meets a minimum of four times per year plus a strategy day. We also have the following active subcommittees who meet at least one time per year.
Audit and finance subcommittee – Chaired by Keir Stephenson
Remuneration, nominations and HR subcommittee – Chaired by Mai Fenton
Programme and impact subcommittee – Chaired by John d’Abdro
All of our Trustee positions are opening advertised, our trustee recruitment policy can be found below in our Recruitment Policy. Each Trustee serves a term of 3 years and can be re-elected for a further 2 terms, the maximum time a Trustee can serve is 9 years.
Find out more about who is on our Board of Trustees on our Squad page.
Policies and Documents
Accounts 22-23
Accounts 21-22
Accounts 20-21
Accounts 19-20
Articles of Association
Complaints Policy
Data Protection Policy
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Policy
Health and Safety Policy
Recruitment, Vetting & DBS Policy
Safeguarding Policy
Volunteer Policy
Leadership Skills Foundation: Centre of Excellence Certificate