Our brand in action

Our logo

Apply our logo with confidence in the correct colourways. Download our logos in PNG, Jpeg and EPS formats for screen and print.



Our colourways compliment our brand, photography and the way we communicate.


R92 G54 B210

C92 M100 Y0 K0
Pantone Dark Blue C
Pantone 70-1-7 C

R124 G87 B252

C70 M75 Y0 K0
Pantone 2725 C

R11 G209 B196

C80 M0 Y30 K0
Pantone 319 C

R236 G240 B245

C3 M3 Y2 K0
Pantone Cool Gray 1 C

R255 G255 B255

C0 M0 Y0 K0

R0 G0 B0

C0 M0 Y0 K100
Pantone black

Our font

We communicate through a modern, geometric sans serif font; Poppins, that’s accessible and user friendly.

To keep all text easy to read, we advise sparing use of uppercase, whilst avoiding use of italics and bold/black weights.






Design assets

Download and reference files below to stay on-brand


Brand guidelines (10mb)

Powerpoint templates

Letterhead templates


For all brand related enquiries please contact Victoria Cardoso